UAG Apple iPhone 13 Pro U Lucent Cover - Clay

Sale price$20.80


Lucent Clay, Mobile Phone Back Cover, MagSafe Compatible, Clay, 6.1", for Apple iPhone 13 Pro', {'Manufacturer': 'UAG', 'Item Number': '3000645', 'Model': '11315N319898 ', 'EAN': '0810070363437', 'To Manufacturer's Website': ''}, {'Manufacturer': '7.87 cm', 'Item Number': '1.22 cm', 'Model': '15.5 cm ', 'EAN': '31.8 g', 'To the manufacturer's website': 'Clay', 'Product description': 'Protection', 'Type of product': 'For mobile phone', 'Suitable for screen size': '6.1"', 'Dimensions WxDxH': 'Drop protection, shock protection, support', 'Weight': 'Back protection', 'Color': '12.07 cm x 1.91 cm x 19.69 cm / 120 g', 'Designed for': 'Supports wooden charging, micro-dot technology, one-piece construction', 'Width': 'Yes', 'Depth': 'MIL -STD 810G 516.6', 'H?jd': '3.6 m'}, '0810070363437'

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