Örtagubben Moose Grass Whole Herb 80 g ECO | Apohem

Sale price$8.00


Elderberry Elkgrass (Filipendulae ulmariae Herba) contains high levels of salicylic acid. Feel free to mixrtagubben Älggräs with other tasty herbs fromrtagubben to get a tasty and organic herbal tea. Use: Pour 2.5 dl of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of herb and let steep for 5-10 min. Important! Store dry and dark. Moose grass is a large-growing herb that can grow up to one and a half meters high and often grows in large clumps on damp ground. Moose grass is common throughout the country, it grows on all types of moist soil. The first record of finds was published by Rudbeck in Catalogus plantarum 1658 (Nordstedt 1920). Linnaeus mentions that moose grass is spread on the floor at festivals, a custom that continues well into the 19th century. Both leaves and flowers have been used in pharmacology. In the past, it was used to season beer and mead, and they used to rub the vessels with moose grass to give the drink a good taste. Flowers or leaves can also be used for herbal tea. Despite its Swedish name, moose grass, the species does not belong to the grass family (Poaceae) but to the rose family (Rosaceae). This is our own brand.rtagubben's own herbs come from selected organic growers in Europe.

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