Örtagubben Daggkåpa is an organically grown dewcap with whole herb (Alchemillae herba), which is delicious as a cup of herbal tea. Daggkapa has a nice taste, and is just as good as morning tea as evening tea. Daggkapa belongs to the rose plants and has small yellow flowers that grow in our Swedish flora. In hair and skin care, dew cap is used in baths, wraps and in products for its astringent effect. Dandelions have also been used as dye plants. Preparation: Let 1-2 teaspoons of dew cover steep in a cup of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Important: Store dry, dark and well sealed. Use. Dandelions have been used as dye plants. The name was first used by Hieronymus Bock in 1539. The genus has around 250 species, of which 24 occur in Sweden. A few species are grown as ornamentals in gardens, such as giant dewlap (A. mollis). This is our own brand.rtagubben's own herbs come from selected organic growers in Europe.