Call Spotlight Cam Pro, Battery, Black

Sale price$274.89


Our most advanced spotlight camera includes 3D motion detection, Audio+ and full HDR video to help secure your outdoor environments on? professional level?.', {'Manufacturer': 'Ring', 'Item number': '3154073', 'Model': '8SB1P2-BEU0', 'EAN': '840268970482', 'To manufacturer website': ' /'}, {'Manufacturer': 'IP Security Camera', 'Product Number': 'Outdoor', 'Model': 'Yes', 'EAN': 'Yes', 'To Manufacturer Website': 'Yes', ' Usable Locations': 'InClose to Ceiling/Wall', 'Connection Technology': 'Black', 'Day / Night Mode': 'Lad', 'Remote Playback': 'IP65', 'Built-in light': 'China', 'Mounting method': '140°', 'Product Color': '80°', 'Form factor': 'Yes', 'International protection IP code': '1920 x 1080 pixels', 'Country of origin': '2 MP', 'Lens viewing angle, horizontal': '1080p', 'Lens viewing angle, vertical': 'Yes', 'Dark vision': '2-way', 'Maximum resolution': 'Yes', 'Total megapixels': 'No', 'Video modes supported': 'Yes', 'Built-in speakers': 'No', 'Sound system': '802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 802.11n, Wi-Fi 5 802.11ac', 'Built-in microphone': '2.4 - 5 GHz', 'Network-connected Unicorn': 'No', 'Wi-Fi': 'Yes' , 'Bluetooth': '105 dB', 'Wi-Fi standards': 'Yes', 'Frequency band': 'Battery', 'Built-in hard drive': 'Lithium-Ion Li-Ion', 'Built-in siren': '1', 'Siren level?': 'Yes', 'Video motion detector': '143 g', 'Power source type': '-20 - 48? C', 'Battery technology': ' 81 mm', 'Number of batteries': '78 mm', 'Rechargeable battery': '144 mm', 'Battery weight': '429 g', 'Operating temperature': '20 cm', 'Width': '43 cm', 'Depth': '69 cm', 'Height': 'Yes', 'Weight': '111 mm', 'Battery, width': '170 mm', 'Battery, depth': '788 g', 'Battery, height': '1', 'Width of package': 'USB', 'Ladder depth': 'Yes', 'Weight incl. packaging': 'Yes', 'Number of cameras': 'Yes', 'Cable included': '8525.89.0001'}, '840268970482'

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