Solaray Mega B-Stress 120 capsules

Sale price$47.00


Mega B-Stress is a food supplement in the form of vegetable capsules with eight different B vitamins, together with vitamin C, inositol, choline and PABA. The B vitamins are part of a group of vitamins that are all very similar in structure and are involved in many different body functions. The B vitamins are needed, among other things, for the formation of red blood cells and the production and maintenance of the cells, for the conversion of nutrients into energy and for normal skin, muscles, a normally functioning nervous system and immune system. They are soluble in water and are therefore usually quickly absorbed in the body and excreted via the kidneys and urine. They cannot therefore be stored for longer periods in the body, so we need a daily intake from food or supplements to avoid deficiencies. Vitamin C is needed for a variety of biological functions, including to form collagen, a tough and strong protein substance that, together with elastin, joins cells into connective tissue. Collagen is used in the body to build and repair skin, cartilage, bone tissue, teeth, gums, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. Vitamin C also facilitates the absorption of iron from food and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the immune system. Vitamin C is water-soluble and we therefore need a daily intake for optimal health.

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