Mallow (Althaeae radix) belongs to our traditional natural remedies that have been used long ago for various problems. Even the name reveals the plant's customary uses.rtagubben Läkemalva comes from organically grown Läkemalva, and contains dried root. Dried mallow lends itself well to a cup of herbal tea, and you are then advised to boil the root for about 20 minutes before enjoying the drink. 1-2 teaspoons of medicinal malt is enough per 250 ml teacup. Important: Store dry and dark. Mallow is a perennial, tall herb with shallow palmate leaves and pink or white flowers. The first record of the find was published in 1795 when it was mentioned by Retzius (Hylander 1971). Use. Mallow was once a medicinal plant used for all kinds of ailments, it is also the actual source of marshmallows which were made from the root of the plant. This is our own brand.rtagubben's own herbs come from selected organic growers in Europe.