Leather fan, size: 140mm x 140mm x 25mm HxWxD, noise level: 36.3 dBA 12 volts, air flow: 94.2 CFM 12 volts, fan PRM: 1600 12 volts ±10 %, 3 pin motherboard connection, black', {'Manufacturer': 'be quiet!', 'Item number': '2830426', 'Model': 'BL082', 'EAN': '4260052186848', 'To the manufacturer's website' : ''}, {'Manufacturer': 'l?dfl?kt', 'Product number': '4x screws', 'Model': '14 cm', 'EAN': '14 cm', 'To the manufacturer's website': '2.5 cm', 'Product description': '140 mm', 'Product type': '6 W', 'Packaging content': '80,000 hours /hours', 'fan diameter': '1600 rpm', 'fan height': '94.2 cfm', 'fan bearing': '1.82 mm', 'Rotation speed': '36.3 dBA' , 'airflow': '3-pin connector', 'Noise level': '12 V', 'Power connector': '5 - 12 V', 'Dark voltage': '5 V', ' Dimensions WxDxH': '0.5 A', 'Width': 'UL, TUV'}, '4260052186848'